
Welcome to Nira and Nisha's Kingdom

Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend...! Fun fun weekend!

We went to Aunty Liz and Uncle Bipin's house last weekend. It was so much fun!!!

We cooked with aunty Liz. And Nira helped to clean :))) Aunty Liz played with and tickled Nira. Uncle Bipin told Nira stories with a picture book.

Little Nisha was on all fours and shaking her body, trying to move. When she bumped into something and couldn't move, she cries for help......"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". Uncle Bipin came to the rescue.

Nisha's daily exercise: turn on back-turn to side-turn on tummy-up on all fours-move/shake-flat on tummy-and finally but this is not the end try to turn back to original position-scream if help is needed!

On Sunday, we went to the swimming pool.

Nira: "Mommy, I was not scared of the water anymore. Papa took me to the deeper water (adult pool) and I was not scared."

Papa and Nira had a fantastic time in the pool. Came back and all were as flat as a tire!!!

What a weekend! Unfortunately, we forgot the camera....so no photos la :(

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